One Year Later: Slightly Frustrated


Before: September 2011. After: October 2012

October 2011, I started my weight loss adventure. I had the original goal of losing 70-80 lbs (or ate least four dress sizes) in one year, so I could be back to my high school weight/size. The idea was to be “as skinny as I was when I thought I was fat.”

One year later, I’m not to my goal. Six months into my journey, I moved 200+ miles away and took more time than I should have to get settled and back in the gym. I didn’t start up again until August and that really set me back on my goal. I’m still close to where I was in April and I’m kicking myself for it.

Today I had an evaluation with my current trainer. I was weighed and he took my measurements. I was frustrated to see that my weight wasn’t much different from my weight in August. However, my measurements showed that progress was indeed being made.

Fall 2005; Senior Year of High School. From the RSHS Production of “Mr. Fixit”

My trainer has asked me to type up a “report” so to speak about my weight loss journey and how it has changed since I started last year. He’s looking for the differences between his techniques and my old trainer’s techniques, what I like/don’t like, how the location of the gym effects my motivation, etc. I’m also suppose to come up with short term goals. In the words of my trainer “You can’t win the war without strategizing each smaller battle.”

So today I took my new “after” photo. And looking at a picture of me from high school (very few left on Facebook for me to grab), I feel like I’m close. What’s frustrating is that looking at the numbers, I’m two dress sizes and about 30 more pounds away from my high school size. It’s becoming a mental game and I feel like I’m suffering from an acute case of body dysmorphia. From those who knew me before, I get compliments. To those who know me now, I’m unimpressive. I’m smaller than what I was, but not small enough.

I need to keep reminding myself that I’m 42 pounds down. Forty-freaking-two! I’m so proud of my number, but I’m not done yet. I have so much more work to do and I’m struggling to find the time and motivation to do it. So my message to you all, is to keep working and keep your eyes on the prize. To reference a quote I saw online:

No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch.

3 responses »

  1. You are looking great Katie! Don’t worry about the numbers too much. When I started working out I gained weight! But it was in a good way; I was adding muscle where there was fat before. I even went down a pant size. Because our bodies change so much from our 18 year old selves we can be just as healthy, if not healthier, and still not see the same number on the scale. You look amazing and loving yourself is more important than any number! Keep up the healthy lifestyle ~Natalie

  2. Katie…I think you look awesome and what you are doing is amazing. You are a very beautiful girl inside and out. You have come so far and don’t take that for granted. Life will always get in the way, you just have to find the time for yourself…even if it’s at 5 am in a hotel room with a DVD 🙂 On days I do not want to work out, I tell myself to remember how much better I feel after I do. Keep up the work! Remember that you are doing your body a favor, doesn’t matter the number on the scale or the size you wear. Your body is loving the change and you will also benefit!

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